FG Photography by Louie Fuentes
The first time I’ve held a DSLR about more than ten years ago, I knew it was built for my rough hands for life.
I have always been fascinated with the artistry of images. The emotions of each moving moment captured in a single frame are proof of a lasting memory. Memories that causes us to remember what was to remind us of the beauty of what is. To our misfortune, we can’t turn back time and repeat history exactly how it was. What we can do, however, is to remember what happened in time, painting a thousand words through images.
When Typhoon Haiyan hit the Philippines in 2013 and destroyed many islands making it difficult to transport water and food supply through these regions, I volunteered as a photographer to join a charity group providing clothing, food, and water, crusading through the dangerous roads in one ghostly island. Arriving was one of the most tragic things I’ve ever experienced. The corpse-like smell was perfume to the people - a horrific apocalypse. Little did I know, visiting the decaying island would be one of the defining moments of my life as a person and as a photographer. I’ve captured the destruction but I’ve also captured hope, resilience and life. I could clearly remember sitting back in my desk upon arriving home, mesmerised, looking at the photos I took of children who have nothing but warm smiles and laughter as food and clothing were given to them. Indeed, life-changing. It was a "what-if" moment in my life; what if I could capture a timeless frame that would echo throughout time? Thus my journey in photography.
Moving to Sydney more than two years ago, on the other hand, meant starting over. Including my equipment and data (social events, weddings, pre-nuptials, food, and commercial photography) ended up broken and lost. It was about time to bid an unsolicited farewell to my old camera and start all over again - a call for rebranding.
I admit you won’t be seeing tons of photos on my website (for now) but over the past ten years of clicking the shutter, as a photographer, I’ve come to the realisation that although they really help a photographer has them; it’s not mainly about the camera, the data, or the external equipment's - it's about the eye. The eye for capturing precious moments, the eye for making magic and making it last.
All images in this displayed in this website are are the property of Louie Fuentes t/a FG Photography. Whereby any form of duplication,  transmission by physical or electronic means for commercial purposes is strictly prohibited without the prior and express written consent of the owners.
©️ FG Photography 2019